What a beautiful saying!
Ladies, the way we dress displays our true inner mindset. If we dress in such a way to turn the heads of men, our hearts can be in no way pure or chaste.
As a Child of God, I want to dress in a way that reflects Him through me!
Before putting on an outfit, I always ask myself a few simple questions:
1. Is it so flamboyant and bright that I draw unnecessary attention to myself? In other words, is it excessive or gaudy?
2. Is it fitting enough to reveal that I'm a woman yet loose enough so I am not tempting men to lust?
3. Would I be embarrassed to wear this in front of my future husband, grandparents, or church family?
4. Is it flattering and stylish enough to where I don't give the appearance of a wandering hobo?
5. Is it high enough at the top and long enough at the bottom to where I don't show too much skin?
If the answer to any of those questions is no, that outfit, no matter how cute or attractive it is, goes out the door.
Before I go any further in this post, I want to make one thing crystal clear: Dressing modestly does not mean you have to cover yourself from head to toe or wear clothes that hang on you like a paper bag!
You don't have to borrow clothes from your grandma's closet to be modest!
Of course, everyone has different convictions about modesty, and if you feel the Lord desires for you to wear only skirts and dresses, than go for it!
I am not writing this to judge those who have controversial thoughts or to preach at you to never leave the house without an ankle-length skirt and turtleneck blouse on. I am merely voicing my personal opinion and convictions.
As I stated previously, modesty does not mean you have to wear something like this:
Of course there is nothing wrong if you do wear ankle-length jean jumpers all the time! Just making a point, my friends...
Many clothes I see out and about have a fairly acceptable selection of modest clothing. Where I live, Ross is a good store to find adorable blouses and skirts with modest lengths! (Thank the Lord for the new maxi-skirt trend!)
Thrift stores are also great resources!
Another point of why modesty is the way to go, is that while girls who dress like prostitutes and flaunt their bodies on a daily basis are more prone to popularity and attracting men, the young women who dress like ladies, demand more respect from the male population (and sometimes even other women, as well!), attract attention from the right kind of men (a.k.a. godly gentlemen who strive the please the Lord in all they do and say), and remain pure for their husbands.
"Wait a sec, Savannah! What do you mean by that? I mean, I'm not married, yet... how can I be pure for my husband when I don't even know who he is?!"
Purity is not just refraining from physical intimacy until your wedding night- it is also the way you think, dress, and speak.
When you think inappropriate lustful thoughts, you're compromising your purity.
When you dress to get attention from guys and show off your body, you're compromising your purity.
When you flirt, "date around", or act "hard to get", you're compromising your purity.
"Is it really that easy?"
Yes it is; and that is why it is so dangerous to fall into the trap of immodesty.
When you dress inappropriately, you are not only comprising your own purity, but you are also doing the same to men.
Do you really want to lead your fellow brothers in Christ astray?
Do you really want to be the cause of their next sinful thought?
Then, Ladies: Put some clothes on!
Reflect Christ through what you wear.
Endeavor to please Him in all that you do! Including the next time you go shopping with a friend or pick out an outfit for an activity.
Never forget that what you wear is your billboard.
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