
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dating 101

Boy meets girl.
Boy and girl like each other.
Boy asks girl out.
They date for about two weeks, break up over text, and by the next week are dating someone else, until eventually they find "the one", and get married after living with each other for months.

The typical dating cycle.

In my opinion, there's something wrong with this picture.

Should finding a  future spouse, be so casual?

I believe in a little word called, "courting".

Yes, I know... it sounds old-fashioned and weird, but it's a good way to find a future spouse!

So what is courtship, anyways?

Boy meets girl.
Boy and girl become friends and talk in a group.
Boy and girl pray about their future, (separately, of course) as they wait until the right time.
Years, months, or in rare occasions, even weeks later, the boy talks to his parents and makes a decision.
Does he really want to pursue a relationship with a particular girl?
Does he really want to spend the rest of his life with that girl?
Is the Lord leading him in a particular direction concerning a particular female?

If the answer to all those questions is "yes", then it's time for action.

What happens next?

The boy talks, privately, to the girl's father, expressing his admiration for his daughter, and asks permission to court her, with the intention of marriage later on down the road.
Over the course of the next few weeks, the father talks to mother about the boy, then they talk to the daughter, if they are both in agreement.
They pray as a family about it, waiting for the Lord's direction.
Once, the family comes to a decision... the courtship can officially begin.

What exactly do you do during a courtship?

Well, courtship is practically the same thing as dating, except the guy and girl are never alone, together (understandably, of course).
They are always in a group environment, with one or two mature adults, as their friendship grows, and they learn more about each other.

How long does it last?

A courtship can last from a week (though not advisable) to a few years. It all depends on the age and maturity of the couple. Are they ready to get married? Buy a home? Start a family? Is their relationship growing in the Lord? Do they have the same standards and convictions?
If the answer is "yes", then it's time to get engaged, and a few months later, marriage follows.

What are the "physical boundaries" in a courtship?

The boundaries in a courtship can vary with the couple and their family.

When I'm courting, holding hands is the extent of physical touching, for me.
No hugs, no kissing (until my wedding day), nor anything else.
I'm ok with sitting next to my "suitor" and an occasional arm around my shoulder is permissible.
In fact, I wouldn't mind that at all. ;)

Anyways, to wrap this post up, I just wanted to give my thoughts on dating and explain courtship.

I hope I clarified a few things and didn't confuse ya'll too much!

The next post will be much more interesting, I promise! ;)


  1. I agree with everything you said! Courtship, I think, is so much less conplicated than dating. When you are sure that God is leading you to a specific special someone, and everything is going in the right direction, you can get to know each other without all the confusion! You can actually be friends without having any of the added pressure society may add

    1. Exactly! Courtship should begin with a strong friendship, and in the process should make it even more sturdy and founded in the Lord! :) Your husband should be your best friend!

  2. I definitely want for my husband to be my best friend and someone that I can totally trust. I agree so much with all that you said! Just another thought... say boy meets girl, and while going through this process of courting, they find that though there are no serious objections to getting married and both feel strong affection for the other, each feels called by God to a very different lifestyle or ministry than the other. For example, the man may feel called to lead a church in the States, but the woman feels called to be an out-of-country missionary. In such cases it is hard to know what to do! I just was wondering what some other people think about this type of situation. I think that if such a thing happens to me I will increase my prayers and be sure that God has the real throne of my heart; He must have first place in my life! If I were to marry someone who has a calling drastically different from mine, I think that it would be unwise since it would be very hard for me, as a wife, to submit to my "hubby". My personal thoughts. As I said, I would love to see what you think on this. If you think about it long enough, it can become pretty confusing!

    1. I totally agree with you! That is a very tough situation, but God should take priority. I believe that if it is not His will for you to marry someone, that He will eventually take those feelings away and lead you in the direction of the one He had set out for you before you were even born! :) That is, if you put God, first, instead of the young man. You could always go against the Lord's will and guidance and marry someone you're not supposed to, but that's not adviseable... Thanks for your thoughts!
