
Monday, March 31, 2014

Products I Would Buy Again

There are very few products I actually like.

I have quite a nasty habit of returning items I bought to the store within the next day. :/

Since I am so very picky in all things this area, I thought I would share with ya'll the products I would buy again!

Sweet Peony Dream Shiny Hair Glossing Mist

Sweet Peony Dream Shiny Hair Glossing Mist 5.5 oz - Click Image to Close

My, oh my... is this stuff great or what! I always use it after styling my hair and it seals in the shine, causing it to look extra smooth and bright! Another plus side, is that it smells amazing! 

Almay Smart Shade CC Cream

For those of you makeup-wearers, this little package is a wonder! Of course there are down-sides to it (isn't there with any makeup product?), but I would say the pros out-weigh the cons. I LOVE the light-weight, natural feel and look. It doesn't look like a mask and blends in well. This CC (complexion corrector) cream lasts fairly long without oxidizing or caking and doesn't have any orange-ish tints to it. The only negative aspects of it, is that it is rather greasy at application, but if you let it set for about 10 minutes, it's good to go! Another feature that bothered me is the minimal coverage. While that is good for some with flawless skin, it wasn't good enough for me. The solution I've come to, is to wear concealer underneath and a little bit of powder on top to combat extra oil and finish the look. Overall, this is an awesome product that I would purchase again!

Clean and Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets (50 pack)

I cannot rave enough about these oil pads! They are the perfect fix if you notice your face or makeup is becoming a little oil and don't want to pack on the powder or re-do your makeup all over again! They absorb oil quickly and without any hassle. They are also small enough to fit in a pocket (and of course a purse!). These oil pads even absorb the oil without taking off any of your makeup. What a blessing... 
I had bought the E.L.F. oil absorbing sheets from Target the other day, thinking they were a great buy (only a dollar for 50 sheets!). Come to find out, they work perfectly... besides the fact that some of your makeup comes off with the oil. I didn't have that problem at all with the Clean and Clear sheets. 

It's getting late, here, and I have to wake up at a fairly decent hour, tomorrow, so I should probably wrap this post up.

It had a bit of a different twist, today, but I hoped ya'll liked it and maybe you will try these three recommended products out!

I might even do a Part Two if I get enough positive feedback about this post! ;)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Beauty and the Bible

This post is a bit of a serious one.
I decided to share with ya'll a short(ish) essay, that I wrote for school.
It is a subject that I feel strongly about and I believe is an issue that certainly needs to be addressed, in our culture, today.
I hope you enjoy and I would love to read your thoughts and opinions in the comments below! :-)

Where should we look for our standard of beauty and appearance?

In this day and age, airbrushed models grace the covers of our magazines and posters in department stores. What use are these unrealistic, photo-shopped women, besides causing females of various ages, to feel insecure and ugly unless they are perfectly flawless as the media portrays those of “true worth” to be? It is no different with the men of today- for women to even give them a second glance, they must dress in the latest fashion, have their hair styled a certain way, listen to a specific kind of music, have a muscular physique, the list goes on and on. If men and women do not live up to these standards, then what are they known as? Nerds, geeks, losers, ugly, fat, awkward.

Our culture looks down their noses at the flawed and fail to realize that no one looks perfect, no matter how much makeup they have applied, how fashionable their clothes are, or the fact that they wear a size zero! Most beauty, today, is artificial and unnatural. Why would we want to model the way we look, dress, or act, after the skewed idealisms of Hollywood? True beauty is from the inside, no matter how ridiculous or over-rated it may sound. I personally would not want to court or marry a young man who is arrogant or a flirt, no matter how attractive and charming he is. He might be someone outwardly catching to the eye, but once his true personality is revealed, he would be utterly repulsive to me.
  Our outward beauty should not be based off of the media, although that gives us no excuse to neglect personal hygiene or to attempt to look decent (at least in public). Our standard of beauty should come from God’s Word. We should take care of ourselves physically because “our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own” (1 Cor. 6:19); but personal grooming should not control the way we think or act. Getting ready for an event should not consume us, and we should not constantly be checking our reflection in the mirror.
 Of course, there is also the danger of becoming conceited about the way we look- believing we are the most attractive creature to ever roam the earth, and oh so humble, as well!
We should focus more on our inward beauty than we ever do on the outward aspect. 1 Peter 3:3-4 says, “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;  But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.”
What is the use of trying so hard to be beautiful or handsome, when we are all going to age and then die, eventually? Why put all those hours of work and money into a body that’s eventually going to waste away to nothing, since only our heart and actions can mature and change for the better, growing more lovely day after day?
“..though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.” (2 Cor. 4:16)

Why don’t we take as much time as we take to get ready for church, to read our Bible? Why don’t we pray longer than we take a shower? Why don’t we focus on our spiritual beauty more than our outward attractiveness?

“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Three Reasons I Love My Youth Group

Hello dear readers- you, lovely individuals who browse my blog without clicking the little red 'x' in the corner of your computer screen!

I believe all ya'll deserve a little update.

It has been long.
Far too long.

I apologize for the delay. Several hospital visits, various illnesses, a College Days trip to Heartland Baptist Bible College in OK, and a never-ending load of school work tend to pile up a bit.

Now, without further ado, I present:

Three Reasons I Love My Youth Group

1. Our Multiple Inside Jokes- 127, one gender, "I need to visit Mrs. Murphy!", "You have pretty eyes.", Unforgettable... I love them all! And no. I shall never betray my friends by posting the scarring meanings on social media.

2. Our Discussion/Debates- Only a group like ours can discuss topics such as the Bible, marriage, and college without it ever getting immature, awkward, or boring. As for our debates... "Is coffee a stimulant?", is an ongoing issue.

3. Our Guys- Our youth group has the hottest, trendiest guys in the universe! They are perfect in every way and I love them all! I should know, 'cuz I've dated every one of them!
Whoa, whoa, whoa... stop the train! Not what you were expecting, huh? Well, that's probably a good thing, in regards to my personality and reputation.
Now, by saying I love the guys in my youth group, I am saying that I love their gentlemanly behavior, I love their respect for females, adults, and authorities, I love their humour that is sarcastic but never rude and hurtful, I love their passion for the Lord, I love their ability to put up with my weirdness and general absurdity. I love not having to deal with dating relationship in our youth group, and the annoying "I like you"s, and the kissing and cuddling, and downright trash half of the churches in America are promoting in their youth, nowadays! Thank you, Lord, for wonderful, God-fearing, guys!

This post was a little shorter, but I hope you enjoyed it!

Sometime, this month, I might give ya'll a few excerpts from my youth group's 40 something hour drive from Florida to Oklahoma, how we managed without killing each other, and the experiences in between, as well as a few new blog posts to look forward to!

In summary, I am so greatful to have a godly youth group and friends that encourage and help each other in the Lord, day after day! :-)

Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.